When you walk through our doors you can expect a kind and friendly greeting from people much like yourself. In our congregation all people from any and all backgrounds are welcome to join us in worship. You are also most welcome to sit in on any of our Bible studies.
Where do I park? Ample parking is available in the lot for those gathering to worship. Enter through the double doors on either side of the building. Ushers are there to greet you and give you a service bulletin.
What do I do when I get there? Introduce yourself to the pastor. We love having visitors. Feel free to sit wherever like. We welcome you to read and sing along during the worship service. After the service has ended we welcome everyone to join us in Schleicher Hall for some sweets followed by a Bible Study that is geared for anyone. No knowledge of the Bible is required.
What is a typical service like? Every service includes a time of confession and forgiveness. These are things God calls us to do and we all need them. That is followed by a time of reading from God’s Word. Generally there is a a reading from the Psalms, then the Old Testament, then the Epistles or letters in the New Testament, and finally a reading from one of the four Gospels. The sermon will take up the readings and help apply these ancient documents to our modern everyday life; to make them less distant; to make them relevant to your life outside of the church walls.
What will I hear? All of our services offer preaching and teaching on the Word of God that speaks to everyday life, centered on Jesus and His saving work for us, and the life we are called to live as His followers.
What about Children? Children are very important to us at St. John’s and are always welcome and encouraged to join us in worship. St. John’s also offers a nursery during the worship service for young children who may not be able to sit for the entire service. Sunday School for all ages is available after the service. (September -- May)
Opportunities to learn about Jesus? We believe it is important for adults and children to gather to learn and grow in our Christian faith. Every Sunday at 10:00 AM, we offer Christian education for all ages. Through looking further at the Bible, we learn together as the family of St. John’s Church.
What should I know about the Lord’s Supper? Follow this link for an explanation of our teaching, confession and practice of this sacred and holy meal; the highest and most important part of our worship service.
How do I become a member? Speak to the pastor. He will talk with you about how to become a member of St John’s Lutheran Church.